Lots of time and money can be wasted with an untrained cat or one who isn’t suited to your project.
Each cat has his/her own strengths and may excel in certain settings while a “double” could be better suited for another action. We have a few teams of cats who look alike, making larger or more involved roles easier to fill.
Below are pics of our cat actors. Some live with us while others are owned by friends and family who have agreed to let them follow their dreams of stardom if the opportunity arises.
Check back for more pics coming soon!
If you need a different look, let us know. We may be able to help or can put you in touch with another animal talent agency.
Team #1 Blue Lynx Bicolor
It’s important to know the specific actions required for your production.
We can advise you on the cat or team that would best and most efficiently get the shots you need.
We also like to prep in advance of your shoot.

Team #2 Seal Mitted with blaze
Team #3 Blue Lynx Mitted
Team #4 Blue Bicolor
(pics of Seger and Twinkle coming soon)